Can I be in band and other activities such as athletics?
Yes. The positive relationship between the fine arts programs and the athletic department is something that we value greatly. There has never been a situation that we have not been able to work out between programs. With block schedule and double blocking we recognize that it can be difficult to participate in as many events as students would like. Our philosophy in the band program is to provide as many opportunities as possible for students. The most important factor in making this work is effective communication.
Can I do all AP classes and Band?
Most AP and Pre-AP classes are full of band students. It’s difficult for students to manage taking lecture style classes all-day, every day. We recommend Band as a “creative break” in the day - a chance to flex your creative muscle and a time to build your musical abilities (and your resume). The Grapevine Mustang Band has had some students become Top Ten of their class, Merit Scholars, and overall some of the most active in their academics. Participation in a fine art has been tied to advanced test scores.
Does marching band count as a P.E. credit?
Yes! You will earn a half credit for each semester you are in marching band. In order to complete your one P.E. credit, you should participate in marching band for at least 2 years. Please refer to the Attendance Policy for more detailed information on earning your P.E. Credit.
How can I join the Mustang Guard?
The Mustang Guard is the auxiliary squad of the marching band and is open to both males and females. This specialized group hosts auditions in the spring for the following fall semester. During the spring, the student participate as a Winterguard in competitions. Auditions for the Winterguard are held during the fall semester. If you are interested in being part of the Mustang Guard, please contact Mr. Redd.
Can I participate in band for only half of the school year?
No. We require all band students to participate fully in both marching and concert band unless extenuating circumstances arise. Please speak with a GHS band director for more information.
What do double-reed players do during marching season?
Double-reed players can choose to audition for the Mustang Guard or make a seasonal switch to a new instrument for marching.
What should we do if my student has a conflict with a band event?
Generally, attendance at all rehearsals, games, and performances is mandatory. It is expected that band will be a priority, so please consult the band calendar before scheduling other appointments. If you do have a conflict with any band event, communicate with a director immediately. Early communication is key. More information can be found in the Handbook.
I write a variety of checks for band functions; to whom should I write my checks?
All checks should be made out to "GHS Band" except for private lessons.
All private lesson checks should be made out to the private lesson teacher.
We encourage you to use the memo section of your checks for the student's name/type of fundraiser/etc. for proper crediting. This is very helpful as some of the student's names are different than the name on the check. All checks should then be placed in a Band-Deposit Envelope. (See Mr. Slate) and deposited into the band safe. Do not give your band money to a band director or staff member.
All private lesson checks should be made out to the private lesson teacher.
We encourage you to use the memo section of your checks for the student's name/type of fundraiser/etc. for proper crediting. This is very helpful as some of the student's names are different than the name on the check. All checks should then be placed in a Band-Deposit Envelope. (See Mr. Slate) and deposited into the band safe. Do not give your band money to a band director or staff member.